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Use of cookies

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in the web browser or by the web browser on the user?s computer system. If a user accesses a website, a cookie can be stored on the user?s computer system. This cookie contains a characteristic string of characters that enables the browser to be uniquely identified when the website is accessed again.


This cookie is automatically created once someone opens the website and cleared once they close the browser. PHPSESSID is an auto generated session cookie by the server which contains a random long number which is given out by the server itself. In the session cookie, only the above-mentioned data about your use of the website is temporarily stored. These store a so-called “session ID”, which can be used to assign various requests from your browser to a common session. The session cookies used are technically necessary and are deleted when you close your browser. These cookies are not used for “tracking” or to establish a personal reference.


Cookie “cmplz_stats”
Cookie “cmplz_all”
Cookie “complianz_consent_status”
Cookie “complianz_policy_id”
Cookie “cmplz_marketing”
Cookie “complianz_config” (Administrator cookie, will be ignored) The Complianz cookies keep track if someone accepted the Privacy policy and the level of their consent. They are kept for 365 days, after this the user has to accept it again.

Cookie “wordpress_*”

Retention: 1 day
WordPress specific cookie, stored only for logged in users (i.e. only users from the FeatureCloud consortium) to remember when someone is logged in.


Captcha Them All

Cookies “mc_session_ids”
Retention: 15 minutes
These are stored for the contact form to reduce spam emails. In addition to the cookies absolutely necessary of the functioning of the website, with your consent we set the following cookies:


Matomo plugin

Cookie: “_pk_ref*”
Retention: 6 months
These are statistical cookies used for anonymous visitor tracking. We may collect non-person-identifying, anonymous information relating to your use of our sites via Matomo technology. This may include: which pages are visited how often; how long visitors stay; the number of returning page visitors; and which country visitors are browsing from, but no personal information at all. This data is collected for the purpose of monitoring and understanding the effectiveness of our websites, and is in fact required by the European Commission during the impact-reportings (about dissemination activities of EU-funded research projects).